Entries by Mr.Rascarme Los Webos

Richard DeNapoli & Rico Petrocelli Are Deceiving Broward Republicans

The Alinsky-style tactics of Richard DeNapoli, Rico Petrocelli and their supporters within the Broward Republican Executive Committee (BREC) continue to amaze those who are paying close attention to the upcoming BREC elections that are slated for December 3rd We have previously reported that DeNapoli and others have used the BREC email list to promote Petrocelli’s […]

Election Result: Plot To Dump GOP Boss

Another victim of the Democratic ticket’s crushing victory may be Broward Republican Chair Richard DeNapoli. Party dissidents are plotting against DeNapoli.  They want to make a run at him during the election for chairman next month. The chairman is charged with…well, just look at the election results. Remember, the raison d’être for any political party is to win […]

Richard DeNapoli, Broward GOP Chair, Leaves County’s GOP Worst than When He Entered!

After only two years, Richard DeNapoli is done. Chairing the perennially underachieving Broward County Republicans — like coaching any team that sucks — hasn’t been easy, and DeNapoli, who’s a tad thin-skinned, won’t seek reelection. https://www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/richard-denapoli-broward-gop-chair-leaves-countys-worst-job-6451736 “It’s not a glamorous position,” he said, adding he’s taking a position in another part of the state outside […]

Party leader’s violent criminal past engulfs Broward Republicans in turmoil

The Broward Republican Party, mired in a take-no-prisoners civil war, is now being rocked further as members learn about the violent criminal background of one of their officers. As long-simmering tensions between party factions boiled over in recent weeks, Republicans discovered that the party secretary they elected four months ago, Rupert Tarsey, beat a young woman […]